Unite in the Fight for Tech: National Diabetes Week 2024

9 July 2024—National Diabetes Week (NDW) 2024 is approaching on 14–20 July and this year’s theme is Unite in the fight for tech, focusing on the need for expanded subsidised access to CGM and equitable access to diabetes technology across Australia.

Australians living with all types of diabetes deserve equitable access to the technology they need to live well. Unfortunately, access to diabetes technology in Australia is neither fair nor equitable, with some having access to life-changing technologies while many others go without. This needs to change. Together, we are raising our voice and fighting for change.

Recent advocacy achievements

In the approach to NDW, leaders from ADEA, Diabetes Australia, and the Australian Diabetes Society (ADS) united at Parliament House to launch the campaign. At the event, the State of the Nation 2024 report, developed with input from an expert advisory group that included ADEA and ADS staff and members, was also launched. We were honoured to be joined by several political leaders, including Minister for Health Mark Butler MP and Dr Mike Freelander MP, and a range of stakeholders.

We also welcomed the recent recommendations from the Parliamentary Inquiry into Diabetes, which highlight the importance of expanding access to diabetes technology. During the year-long inquiry, we made submissions and gave evidence about this topic, including the need for increased CDE access and support to ensure optimal use, as well as various other critical matters. Following these recommendations, we joined forces with leading health organisations and members of the diabetes community to endorse a consensus statement advocating for more affordable access to automated insulin delivery (AID) for Australians living with type 1 diabetes.

How you can get involved

Leading up to and during National Diabetes Week, here are ways you can get involved:

Encourage your clients to share their inspiring stories: Their experiences and views are powerful. Share them with Diabetes Australia, one of our unified partners:

Sign petitions: Help us advocate for equitable access to diabetes technology by signing these petitions:

Together, we can create a future where every Australian with diabetes has the technology they need to live well.

Unite in the Fight for Tech: National Diabetes Week 2024

9 July 2024—National Diabetes Week (NDW) 2024 is approaching on 14–20 July and this year’s theme is Unite in the fight for tech, focusing on the need for expanded subsidised access to CGM and equitable access to diabetes technology across Australia.

Australians living with all types of diabetes deserve equitable access to the technology they need to live well. Unfortunately, access to diabetes technology in Australia is neither fair nor equitable, with some having access to life-changing technologies while many others go without. This needs to change. Together, we are raising our voice and fighting for change.

Recent advocacy achievements

In the approach to NDW, leaders from ADEA, Diabetes Australia, and the Australian Diabetes Society (ADS) united at Parliament House to launch the campaign. At the event, the State of the Nation 2024 report, developed with input from an expert advisory group that included ADEA and ADS staff and members, was also launched. We were honoured to be joined by several political leaders, including Minister for Health Mark Butler MP and Dr Mike Freelander MP, and a range of stakeholders.

We also welcomed the recent recommendations from the Parliamentary Inquiry into Diabetes, which highlight the importance of expanding access to diabetes technology. During the year-long inquiry, we made submissions and gave evidence about this topic, including the need for increased CDE access and support to ensure optimal use, as well as various other critical matters. Following these recommendations, we joined forces with leading health organisations and members of the diabetes community to endorse a consensus statement advocating for more affordable access to automated insulin delivery (AID) for Australians living with type 1 diabetes.

How you can get involved

Leading up to and during National Diabetes Week, here are ways you can get involved:

Encourage your clients to share their inspiring stories: Their experiences and views are powerful. Share them with Diabetes Australia, one of our unified partners:

Sign petitions: Help us advocate for equitable access to diabetes technology by signing these petitions:

Together, we can create a future where every Australian with diabetes has the technology they need to live well.