Underwood Family Doctors

Dr Fatemeh Adili is a knowledgeable and skillful Credentialled Diabetes Educator who works at Underwood Family Doctors. Fatemeh has been working with people with diabetes in different stages. The clients find her very caring and supportive.

Merri Health

Able to assist with NDSS applications for commencement of continuous glucose monitoring for people with type 1 diabetes

Merri Health

Able to assist with NDSS applications for commencement of continuous glucose monitoring for people with type 1 diabetes

Princess Alexandra Hospital Burke street Clinic

Health Ability

Sydney Children’s Hospital (SCHN Randwick) – Dept of Endocrinology, Diabetes Service

Nunyara House Specialist Centre

Nurse Practitioner providing Diabetes Education for pre diabetes, type 1 and 2 and gestational diabetes. Insulin pump and cgm starts. Bulk billing service/ no epc visit required. Weight management clinic available for patients with or without Diabetes.

Further details can be found at www.sadiabeteseducator.com

Canterbury hospital diabetes clinic

Amity Health

Milestone Medical