cohealth – Community Health Centre Niddrie

Helen Lamech

Credentialed Diabetes Educator

Gerald Burns Pharmacy

Gerald Burns Pharmacy has two pharmacist CDEs – Amanda Bryce (Owner) and Kathy How (Manager) – with more than 45 years experience between them. Appointments can be made from Monday to Friday.

Our special interest is managing prediabetes and patients with type 2 diabetes of all ages. We have an insulin injection technique clinic and are happy to help with the initiation of insulin therapy.

Amanda is also credentialed for Home Medicine Reviews should a home visit be required.

Gerald Burns Pharmacy

Gerald Burns Pharmacy has two pharmacist CDEs – Amanda Bryce (Owner) and Kathy How (Manager) – with more than 45 years experience between them. Appointments can be made from Monday to Friday.

Our special interest is managing prediabetes and patients with type 2 diabetes of all ages. We have an insulin injection technique clinic and are happy to help with the initiation of insulin therapy.

Amanda is also credentialed for Home Medicine Reviews should a home visit be required.

Blooms the Chemist

The Wellness House

Queensland Diabetes & Endocrine Centre. Mater Hospital, South Brisbane

Diabetes and Endocrinology

Diabetes is a life-long multifaceted condition, best treated with the support of a multi-disciplinary team.

The Queensland Diabetes and Endocrine Centre (QDEC) team of trained health professionals are experienced and well qualified in the care, treatment and management of diabetes and endocrine conditions. Our staff are dedicated to providing evidence based quality care. The multidisciplinary team regularly reviews and evaluates treatment and services in order to achieve the best possible health outcomes for patients. The centre also bench marks its services against other national and international diabetes services to ensure that the care we provide is not only exceptional, but accurate and relevant as technologies and treatment options continue to advance and improve for people living with diabetes and endocrine conditions.

The Queensland Diabetes and Endocrinology multidisciplinary team includes:

Working with your local health care professionals, particularly the local general practitioner (GP), the team ensures continuity of care within the community setting.

In addition to supporting you with diabetes, we also provide specialist care and support for patients with endocrine conditions including osteoporosis, thyroid disease, hypertension and pituitary disorders.

The Queensland Diabetes and Endocrine Centre has a longstanding commitment and involvement in medical and nursing research. This includes participation in clinical trials, sharing knowledge and research outcomes at professional conferences, forums and workshops (nationally and internationally) and having ‘home grown’ research outcomes published in leading medical publications. This dedication to research comes from our team’s commitment to improve the lives of those living with diabetes and endocrine conditions.

We have a number of research projects presently in action. These include projects looking at identifying psychosocial issues to inform models of care in young adults, Insulin pump therapy service delivery and various joint projects between Queensland Health and Mater Health to standardise diabetes care pathways.

Our education programs

Diabetes self-management skills and knowledge are essential to living well with diabetes. The multi-disciplinary team including experienced Credentialed Diabetes Educator’s and Accredited Practicing Dietitian’s are dedicated to providing comprehensive and innovative diabetes education programs—considering the specific needs and learning styles of each individual and their care givers/families. Our staff work with each individual patient to identify their unique learning needs, formulating a plan or goals in relation to these needs and importantly developing strategies to achieve these goals.

Education may be delivered in individual and group settings. The Queensland Diabetes and Endocrinlogy Centre also tailor education to the specific cultural needs of the individual and offers the assistance of qualified interpreters for those from non-English speaking back grounds.

Our staff are qualified to deliver education concerning a wide variety of treatment and management options. We are an accredited provider of the DAFNE Program (Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating) and conducts these programs regularly throughout the year. The team are well qualified in delivering training for those commencing insulin pump therapy and continuous glucose monitoring. We also offer an insulin stabilisation service incorporating phone and email consultations for those new to insulin injection therapy or those in the process of fine tuning their insulin doses.

Download My Passport to Health

Extracted from: Diabetes and Endocrine – Mater Health

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Boab Health Service

South West Metabolic Health

Gold Coast Private Hospital

Gold Coast Private is a 314 bed, 21 operating theatre facility offering the highest standard of clinical expertise and nursing care. By offering the latest technology, and state-of-the-art hospital facilities, we attract world-leading doctors and surgeons from all over the world. This has made Gold Coast Private the hospital of choice for GPs, consultants and patients. Led by top consultants and dedicated nurses, our multidisciplinary team comprises expertise in all areas of medical/surgical treatment and obstetrics, including 24-hour emergency and cardiac care, maternity, pediatrics and rehabilitation. By working closely together across all of our medical specialties, we can ensure that patients receive the most comprehensive package of care and treatment.   Available to see individuals as inpatients or outpatients as per specialist referral within the hospital.   Availability: Working Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays (colleague available Mon – Thurs)