IPT Literature review

The ADEA is looking for initial comment on the skills and knowledge requirements for the Provision of Quality Care of Adult Type 1Diabetes Patients in Preparation for, or Managed with Insulin Pump Therapy (IPT).

The finalised documents will need to be consistent with the information provided in the forthcoming insulin documents.

Please email all comments to michael.craig@adea.com.au by COB 16th November 2012.

for the IPT Literature Review Documents please click here.


IPT Literature review

The ADEA is looking for initial comment on the skills and knowledge requirements for the Provision of Quality Care of Adult Type 1Diabetes Patients in Preparation for, or Managed with Insulin Pump Therapy (IPT).

The finalised documents will need to be consistent with the information provided in the forthcoming insulin documents.

Please email all comments to michael.craig@adea.com.au by COB 16th November 2012.

for the IPT Literature Review Documents please click here.