ADEA Events


ADEA-VIC Branch Online Seminar – 3

 Available to All
 Ticket range from $15.00 to $20.00
 Event held at Online
 Limited registration available

The ADEA-VIC Branch Seminar will be held online using the GoToWebinar platform.

You will be sent a link for the seminar after you have completed the registration along with instructions for using GoToWebinar.

Members will receive 2 CPD points under Category 1 – Clinical practice/diabetes education/counselling toward their next credentialling application for their attendance.

The program for the seminar is:

Time Topic Presenter
7.00-7.05pm Welcome and Housekeeping Andrea Curtis and Amy Cowan,- hosts
7.05-7.35pm Plant-based Eating and Diabetes
The popularity of vegetarian and vegan diets has increased in recent times, is this just the latest trend or are there benefits for your clients with diabetes? This presentation will provide an overview of the evidence for plant-based diets in people with diabetes, and considerations for practice if your clients choose to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.
Larissa Telfer, APD
7.35-7.55pm My Autoimmune Life and Low Carb Journey 
Marijana will tell her story about how she manages her type one diabetes and coeliac disease by following a low carb dietary plan
Marijana Occhibove, person with type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease
7.55-8.05pm BREAK
8.05-8.55pm Challenges Managing type 1 diabetes and Coeliac Disease
Coeliac disease affects 1.5% of Australians and is caused by a loss of immune tolerance to dietary gluten. This presentation will particularly focus on the key issues faced by patients with type 1 diabetes, including optimal screening approaches for coeliac disease and challenges related to the management of patients with both diseases such as the restrictive gluten-free diet.
Associate Professor Jason Tye-Din, Endocrinologist, The Royal Melbourne Hospital
8.55-9.00pm Close Andrea Curtis and Amy Cowan,- hosts

Available tickets

ADEA-VIC Online Seminar 4 TicketTicket Title: ADEA-VIC Online Seminar 4 Ticket
Full Event Registration: Yes
ADEA active Member: AUD$ 15.00 (inc. GST)
Non Member: AUD$ 20.00 (inc. GST)

Important Dates

  • Event Starts:
  • 15 October 2020 8:00pm
  • Registration Close:
  • Thu, 15 Oct 2020 3:00pm