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ADEA is the leading organisation in the development and provision of quality, evidence-based diabetes education and standards.
1. Professionalism
We instil professionalism in the standards we set, in our delivery of education and through our members.
2. Innovation
We use research to enable innovation in diabetes management.
3. Person-centred
We promote a person-centred approach to prevention and management of diabetes.
4. Relevance
We maintain our relevance by improving value to our members and key stakeholders.
The current ADEA Strategic Plan 2012 will expire in 2017, therefore we have been going through a process to develop a new one commencing 2017.
The Strategic Plan is a high level document that serves as guide for the organisation both in terms of strategic intent and direction. The strategic plan is used to construct a detailed business plan each year that outline the detail and budget associated with its implementation.
A strategic Plan is an essential document for any organisation as it provides the blueprint for directions and decisions by the board and management to ensure efficient and effective uses of resources and its performance and to guide the organisation into the future.
It is the primary document from which all other documents are drawn, such as a corporate plan, annual business plans, budgets and individual work plans, and some policy decisions. It provides order and direction to an organisation.
Strategy development and monitoring its implementation are primary functions of strong governance by the boards of all organisations. In order to protect member interests, the board must be confident the strategic plan fits the risk profile of the organisation, will generate appropriate returns, and is consistent with the purpose, vision and values of the organisation. Management’s role is to have input into its development and then implement the strategic plan through development of detail within corporate and business plans and to meet the objectives therein. The board has final approval of the plan and monitors its implementation.
Stage 1
Over 90 members provided initial feedback to a survey to gain input into the development of the draft Strategic Plan. This feedback was incorporated in Stage 2.
Stage 2
The board had a facilitated planning day to develop the next Strategic Plan and incorporate member feedback in that process. The following gives you a flow and flavor of the planning day:
Opening of planning day by Tracy Aylen – President
In the past, we have been exposed to strategy planning approaches where we involved various Committees and Branch chairs.
Our workshop today is not just about the next three years but about the organisation in the longer term. We need to be thinking about the longer term of our objectives and goals. To help us with this longer term thinking, we have completed a SWOT analysis with the help of our members, as a good foundation for the future.
There are also numerous positives with the direction we are heading in. We have increased stakeholder communication (for example, through the Deloitte Report) providing opportunity to harness for lobbying processes for CDE access.
We have big opportunities today! As part of the preparation for today, we sought input from our members. We conducted a survey; over 90 people responded to this survey – the results of which have been shared with you.
Photos of the initial process – defining the context
We also explored:
This leads to our Strategic Intent or future vision for ADEA:
ADEA is the leading organisation in the development and provision of quality, evidence-based diabetes education and standards.
Stages 1 and 2 have culminated in the draft Strategic Plan, which has 4 Guiding Principles with associated priorities. These will guide the business plan that will be the vehicle through which these are implemented.
Stage 3
We are now ready to share the 2017-20 Strategic Plan with members.
This will be launched at the 2016 ASM.
ADEA is the leading organisation in the development and provision of quality, evidence-based diabetes education and standards.
1. Professionalism
We instil professionalism in the standards we set, in our delivery of education and through our members.
2. Innovation
We use research to enable innovation in diabetes management.
3. Person-centred
We promote a person-centred approach to prevention and management of diabetes.
4. Relevance
We maintain our relevance by improving value to our members and key stakeholders.
The current ADEA Strategic Plan 2012 will expire in 2017, therefore we have been going through a process to develop a new one commencing 2017.
The Strategic Plan is a high level document that serves as guide for the organisation both in terms of strategic intent and direction. The strategic plan is used to construct a detailed business plan each year that outline the detail and budget associated with its implementation.
A strategic Plan is an essential document for any organisation as it provides the blueprint for directions and decisions by the board and management to ensure efficient and effective uses of resources and its performance and to guide the organisation into the future.
It is the primary document from which all other documents are drawn, such as a corporate plan, annual business plans, budgets and individual work plans, and some policy decisions. It provides order and direction to an organisation.
Strategy development and monitoring its implementation are primary functions of strong governance by the boards of all organisations. In order to protect member interests, the board must be confident the strategic plan fits the risk profile of the organisation, will generate appropriate returns, and is consistent with the purpose, vision and values of the organisation. Management’s role is to have input into its development and then implement the strategic plan through development of detail within corporate and business plans and to meet the objectives therein. The board has final approval of the plan and monitors its implementation.
Stage 1
Over 90 members provided initial feedback to a survey to gain input into the development of the draft Strategic Plan. This feedback was incorporated in Stage 2.
Stage 2
The board had a facilitated planning day to develop the next Strategic Plan and incorporate member feedback in that process. The following gives you a flow and flavor of the planning day:
Opening of planning day by Tracy Aylen – President
In the past, we have been exposed to strategy planning approaches where we involved various Committees and Branch chairs.
Our workshop today is not just about the next three years but about the organisation in the longer term. We need to be thinking about the longer term of our objectives and goals. To help us with this longer term thinking, we have completed a SWOT analysis with the help of our members, as a good foundation for the future.
There are also numerous positives with the direction we are heading in. We have increased stakeholder communication (for example, through the Deloitte Report) providing opportunity to harness for lobbying processes for CDE access.
We have big opportunities today! As part of the preparation for today, we sought input from our members. We conducted a survey; over 90 people responded to this survey – the results of which have been shared with you.
Photos of the initial process – defining the context
We also explored:
This leads to our Strategic Intent or future vision for ADEA:
ADEA is the leading organisation in the development and provision of quality, evidence-based diabetes education and standards.
Stages 1 and 2 have culminated in the draft Strategic Plan, which has 4 Guiding Principles with associated priorities. These will guide the business plan that will be the vehicle through which these are implemented.
Stage 3
We are now ready to share the 2017-20 Strategic Plan with members.
This will be launched at the 2016 ASM.